Orijin Finance Launchpad
The decentralized IDO platform orijin finnance. Everyone can now invest in crypto, and liquidity will rise as a result of this initiative. By using the platform, token sales can be conducted, as well as the recruitment of new investors. It is simple to participate in IDO events because of its decentralized structure.
Orijin Finance, enables users to invest in top project token sales across multiple blockchains Matic, Binance Smart Chain, and Ethereum — with the addition of Solana and Avalanche blockchains coming soon.
Orijin makes it easy for anyone to access and invest in projects with our easy-to-use platform and dashboard.
Our cross-chain IDO token launchpad platform will enable upcoming innovative projects to easily gain access to investors globally, and instantly list on Uniswap, Sushiswap, Quickswap and Pancakeswap and soon Step Finance AMM for Solalna based tokens.
Investors: Investing with Orijin
We’ve made investing with the Orijin platform, as easy, secure and, simple as possible for new and experienced investors.
When you land on the Orijin platform, for investors, you are presented with one main screen after you select the “Invest” option on the left-hand side menu.
You will be presented with the screen below.
Now, it’s time to choose which blockchain and exchange you wish to view potential opportunities. We’ve integrated four exchanges (Pancakeswap, Uniswap, SushiSwap & QuickSwap) across three blockchains (Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & Polygon).
By using the Orijin Finance Launchpad feature, it is very useful for investors and traders. Because through this feature, everyone can buy new tokens that have not yet been listed on the exchange. This feature is used to allow investors to own a token before it is traded on the exchange, to get an initial price before moving. And to use this feature, of course, is very easy. You just follow a few steps as follows:
- Go to Home Column, The first step is to open the application and then click to the “Home” column,
- Launchpad, After that, you can click the words “More” to move to the “Services” column which has several feature options from Orijin Finance.
- Open Launchpad Features, When you reach the “Services” column, you can immediately scroll to find the words “Launchpad” listed at the bottom of the “Services” column.
The majority of tokens in “ Launchpad ” will use MultiChain, for transactions, so make sure you have BNB, eth, USDT, and Matic.
✓ Advantages of Using Orijin Finance Launchpad,
The advantage of using Launchpad is that it ensures you get tokens that are just about to go floor on the exchange. In addition, given the increasing credibility of Orijin, another advantage of using Launchpad is that obtaining new tokens is relatively safe. Thus, the profit potential is still high and the project is guaranteed to be safe because it has most likely passed the inspection stage from Orijin Finance. Then, the advantage of using Launchpad on Orijin Finance is getting tokens that are likely to be floored on several other major exchanges. This makes the profit potential even bigger due to the potential for higher volume and liquidity. Therefore, Orijin Finance Launchpad is one of the features of Orijin Finance that you must try to diversify your investment funds.
Tokenomics Of Orijin Finance
In this section, you will find all the details you will need on all things which concern our token. Currently, our token is not live, however, we are preparing our seed round — and as a result, certain details of the token can be seen/shared below.
Token Name: Orijin Finance
Ticker: $ORIJIN
Fixed Supply: 300,000,000 (300M)
Chain: Polygon
Token Contract Address: Polygonscan
More information on tokenomics below
Orijin Finance is the first digital content production company representing people and audiences that have traditionally been underrepresented on-screen. The entertainment industry lacks firsthand acting experiences from these communities, making it difficult to perceive reality with authenticity. We envision a world where aspiring creators from anywhere in the world can share their stories, no matter their background or background needed for a specific project. Our platform will provide a range of essential services to help them achieve widespread visibility and social accountability for the purpose of increasing engagement within their communities in the process. Orijin makes it easy for anyone to access and invest in projects with our easy-to-use platform and dashboard.
For More Information Connect to Orijin Finance platform :
Website: Home, Multi-Chain IDO Platform
Telegram: Orijin Finance Official
Twitter: Orijin (@OrijinHQ) | Twitter
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